Milborne Port Village Hall - Booking Enquiry
Please complete this booking enquiry as completely as possible. We will contact you to discuss your booking if necessary, and to give you a quotation of the hire charges.
Our Conditions of Hire are detailed, and should be fully understood before you make your booking request.

About You

Your Booking Enquiry

Your booking enquiry must include any time needed for setting up and clearing up before and after the event.
We will do our best to assign your preferred room, but we may sometimes need to allocate a suitable alternative room
Please note that completing this form does not guarantee that the facilities requested will be available for your event. Assuming that the Hall trustees are prepared to host your event, we will submit a quotation for the hire fees, plus any other requirements that the Hall Trustees may require (such as Security Deposit, Provision of licenced Door Staff, Alcohol Licences etc). If you then wish to proceed with your booking, we will ask you to confirm your acceptance.
The hall is fully licenced and a TEN (Temporary Events Notice) is not required.
The Trustees may request a deposit to secure your booking.

Terms and Conditions

The data controller for this booking enquiry is Milborne Port Village Hall, and all questions regarding this enquiry should be addressed to them. Hallwizard Ltd is the data processor, and we are unable to answer any questions for you.